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Testimonials& Feedback

Eluned - client

Dear Bridget, I had a strange rash around my mouth, chin and neck a while ago.  The rash then turned into dry, flaky skin.  I tried absolutely everything I could think of to moisturise and get rid of the dry skin.  This carried on for about 2 weeks until my mother-in-law gave me your Herb Moisturiser to try.  Within 3 applications the dry skin and flakiness was gone!  I was so impressed and pleased with the results! Just a pity I had to return the borrowed cream to my mother-in-law!  I must add that I also loved the feel of the cream – soft, silky and rich. Great product! Regards Eluned

Jill Pringle, Hout Bay - South Africa

Mother of twin girls

Hi Bridget I have just shared my last tub with a friend whose kid has suffered really badly with eczema and she said that it is starting to heal after only using it for a few days. As you already know my 2 have suffered and its the only stuff that has ever worked. It has beaten all the dr’s advice on different creams, coritzones ect. Recently Isla has had those spotty things that I am using the cream on and it is healing them up nicely when my doctor said it would take a year.

Lesley J - Bridget's Workshops



I have attended several of Bridget's herb workshops, each one a complete theme of its own, such as how to make the most amazing natural cosmetic and herbal culinary gifts for special occasions, to learning about the magical healing properties of plants and all of the nuggets of gold that Bridget just pops out in "did you know"s about that weird looking weed in the garden (not just the smoking variety!) that has 10 different medicinal healing properties and tastes delicious in a salad! Bridget is one of a kind..not only for her abundance of knowledge, but her ridiculously infectious humor that just lights up the workshops and sends you away feeling like you definitely got more than you bargained and paid for!

Jenny - South Africa

Hi Bridget “About 4 – 5 months ago I attended a “talk” at Starke Ayres on herbs and their medicinal and culanery uses. The talk was given by Bridget Kitley.  At the end of the talk Bridget displayed her HERB MOISTURISERS for sale.  I decided to purchase one as a face moisturiser. I was most impressed by the fragrance of the herbs, the lightness of the cream. I have had a rough skin patch on my cheek for many years which I was unable to get rid of.  Using the HERB MOISTURISER did the trick. After finishing the first jar, I purchased another make of moisturiser elsewhere but did not enjoy it at all. I now use only the Bridget Kitley Herb Moisturiser and have past a jar onto my daughter who has a highly sensitive skin.  She has not had a reaction to this cream and loves it I can highly recommend this beautiful product” Please advise your latest price as I now have other people interested !!! Best regards Jenny

Libby Harrison – Cape Town

 “I’ve been using Bridget Kitley’s natural moisturizing cream for the past year or so and not only does my skin feel great, it’s easy on the pocket as well. The cream is so rich, you only need to use very little to cover your whole face and neck. It smoothes on with a tingly sensation and leaves your skin feeling wonderfully fresh and alive.” 

Naomi Sheneberger - Zambia


Hi Bridget Your Bridget Kitley’s Herb Moisturizer is working SO well on black skins. Taking away all blemishes which laser does not remove! Noms x

Natascha Fischer - Somerset West

Hello Bridget Sorry not to have gotten back to you sooner. I have actually been thinking. Names run through my head especially when I am applying the cream. Having been born with eczema, both my sister and I have suffered terribly. My mom tried everything and anything. Anyway, I am loving your cream and having great results. I will aim to get back to you in a day or two. I have also (rather stingingly) given samples to a couple friends so I will ask to see what they thought of it. Thanks and have a wonderful evening, Regards, Natascha

Val Beckett - South Africa

Hi Bridget, Just a note to sing the praises of your herbal moisturiser. It’s made a definite improvement to the sun spots on my hands and décolletage and incredibly nourishing to my skin! ……keep up the great work,  we older gardeners need all the healthy and pure skin care possible. Val Beckett

Gerda Burger - South Africa 

The Bridget Kitley herbal moisturiser is a truely amazing product.  Got some for my mom and sisters. We all love it. From extremely sensitive skin, oily skin and even psoriasis! And the smell is of pure goodness.

Noel Watney - South Africa 

Dear Bridget, You were terrific… kept me hanging on your last word for FOUR hours and held our interest to the very end,   amid peals of laughter with your zany sense of humour. I love  my face cream.    Being Taurus myself,   it didn’t take long to recognise you.    We are of the earth,  so to use a face cream smelling like  my herb garden,  for me,   is an absolute delight. Does this sound vaguely familiar? How many Taureens does it take to change a light bulb??? One…..but just try to convince them that the burned-out bulb is useless and should be thrown away!!! ( Before I die I am going to invent a use! ) Lots of luck with your future endeavours and I look forward to seeing a ” Bridget Kitley ” book on the shelves in the not too distant future. Thank you muchly for an interesting and most pleasant morning. Kindest regards, Noel Watney

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