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Carrier oils

Carrier and Essential oils beneficial uses

Almond - been used for centuries to treat dry skin conditions, including eczema & psoriasis.  Improves acne by helping dissolve excess oil on the skin, while retinoids help reduce  appearance of acne and improve cell turnover.  Helps reverse sun damage - vitamin E, one of the nutrients in almond oil, help reduce damage to the skin caused by UV exposure.  Reduces appearance of scars and help to smooth skin.


ArganRestore and repair your skin without clogging your pores.  Can be used to fade scars, smooth out the skin’s texture, and to treat acne.  Full of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that moisturize, soften, and protect your skin.


ArnicaHealth-promoting and pain-relieving powers. Arnica oil has both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce swelling, relieve pain, and protect against infection.


Avocado Hydrate and renew your skin tone with this rich oil that is teeming with essential and trace minerals. Apply avocado oil to your face regularly to reduce pore size and remove impurities. Consistent use of this oil can also reverse the signs of aging and improve skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.


Calendula - This herb is wonderfully healing for the skin. Using this oil will help decrease redness, bruises, hyperpigmentation, and varicose veins.

Massage calendula oil onto your skin to soothe irritated, itchy, and dry skin and stimulate the formation of new tissue. It is great for damaged or injured skin tissue as it has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes blood circulation.


Carrot -  Improve the elasticity, tone, and overall appearance of your skin with carrot seed oil. It will help calm irritated skin while slowing the signs of agings. Use this oil for rejuvenating your skin and helping with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Carrot seed oil has antifungal, antibacterial, and anticancer qualities due to its flavonoid content.


Centella asiatica -  Wound Healing:  Used to heal wounds and keep them clean.  This is especially handy for those who like to periodically use a chemical peel or microneedle treatment.  1% of centella asiatica in a product can decrease the severity of a topical infection considerably.

Eczema & Psoriasis Healing:  Calming effects plus it’s anti inflammatory benefits great for treating eczema or psoriasis.

Scar Reduction:  Multitude of benefits help reduce appearance of scarring & acne scars.  Product that contains centella, collagen production is increased, discoloration is reduced, and irritation is mitigated.

Collagen Production:   Stimulating collagen synthesis important for anti aging, for tissue regeneration & additional antioxidant benefits.

Firming and Toning:  Helps promote fibroblast proliferation & increases the synthesis of collagen, tensile strength of newly formed skin resulting  in renewed, firmer more toned skin.

Elasticity Improvement:  Rich in chlorophyllzinc, selenium, copper, amino acids, & beta-carotene  resulting in  soothing effect for skin also promotes skin cell growth resulting in skin strong & fit.

Acne & Sebum Reduction:  Since the ability to calm & repair skin benefitting less acne and a more balanced sebum production.  Helps end volatile acne & excessively oily skin associated with hormones & seasonal changes.

UVB Protection: Helps protect the skin from the damaging effects of too much UVB exposure.  

Antioxidant Protection:  A strong antioxidant, equally effective as vitamin C or grape seed extract when it comes to antioxidant properties.

Reduced Inflammation:  A strong ingredient for reducing inflammation, used by scientists to treat ulcers, eczema, skin tuberculosis, wounds, stomach aches, arthritis, varicose veins and high blood pressure.  Use after invasive surgery, heals skin fast.


Coconut:  Leaves skin silky smooth and glowing. Massaging coconut oil regularly on the skin also helps reduce inflammation and heal wounds. Aside from its anti-aging & skin-healing properties, also stimulates the production of collagen. It is also full of vitamin E, which protects the skin from sun damage.


Comfrey:  Leaves and roots contain Alantoin (assists healing inn a third of the time) Vit B, Potassium and Calcium. Comfrey is beneficial to all skin types; it helps to moisturise and soothe dry irritated skin, promotes rapid skin-cell growth, contributes to skin renewal, protects against bacteria and other microorganisms, reduces inflammation and helps to keep skin healthy.


Frankincense:  Delays premature aging of skin & exfoliating  skin of dead skin cells as well as stimulating collagen growth helping increase skin cells. Used to clear acne scars, prevent infections  as well as antibacterial.  


Jojoba:  Detox and revitalizes skin, a barrier to keep moisture in the skin, mimics the consistency of our own sebum, which makes it an excellent acne treatment.  Using jojoba oil will help balance the production of excess oil while also helping to leave your pore clean and clear.


Moringa:  Protects skin from aging, rich in antioxidants, highly moisturizing. Reduces redness & inflammation, fights infection. Effective antibacterial cleanser.


Myrrh:  Primarily, anyti-fungal.  Healing for chapped and cracked skin, eczema,mature skins, ringworm, wounds, wrinklesarthritis, asthma, bronchitis, cough, mouth ulcers, gingivitis, sore throat, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, loss of appetite, pruritis. 


Rose Hip: Is full of just about every nourishing, anti-aging skin care element you can imagine.  Full of fatty acids to hydrate skin & form protective barrier sealing in moisture - penetrating skin locking in moisture resulting in baby-smooth skin.  minimizes appearance of scars, such as those from acne, chicken pox, pregnancy stretch marks, weight loss.  Contains powerful antioxidants like beta-carotene.  Loaded with vitamin C, which helps even out skin tone by brightening it.


Sandalwood:  Excellent as an antiseptic agent. It is safe for both internal and external applications. When applied to the skin, it protects wounds, sores, boils and pimples from developing infections or from becoming septic. Sandalwood soothes the skin and helps scars and spots to heal much faster. It is an old practice to use the paste of sandalwood as a skin pack.Its fragrance keeps away microbes and small insects, which is why it is extensively used in incense sticks, sprays, fumigants, and evaporators to disinfect large areas.


Tamanu:  Helps with acne: Unlike other comedogenic oils, tamanu oil doesn't clog pores.  It has acne-fighting properties:  

Anti-inflammatoryHas impressive anti-inflammatory properties, which is helpful  painful pustules & pimples, as well as eczema. 

Moisturizing: Tamanu helps seal in hydration on the skin, plus has a fair share of fatty acids—like oleic and linoleic acid—to feed the skin barrier with healthy lipids.  Promotes cell turnover:  Has wound-healing and skin-regenerating capabilities, the oil encourages the growth of new skin cells - helpful for fading acne scars & hyperpigmentation, promoting an all-around glow.  Supports healthy skin aging:   Help protect skin from UV-induced damage, promotes glyco-amino-glycan production (the most common of these is hyaluronic acid) and helps support collagen. 





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