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My Garden

34 years of hard and soft landscaping experience with all kinds of projects which are listed under Portfolio.  No garden is too small or too big.  

Having spent so many years in South Africa, especially in the last 5 where lack of water was a huge problem, I am adept with waterwise plants.  With climate change, saving water should always be a consideration.


Herb gardens are always an interesting focal point as well as the delightful aromas of the plants.  As a result you have your spice cupboard and pharmacy right at your door step and if you are not sure how to use all of your plants, I shall teach you.  My workshops can always be given at your home with a few interested people to come and join us!

The daisy lawn of which I managed to get rid of by usine the lasagne method
A path through my herb garden
Herbs in my garden, see how pretty they are
A terrace I created in my garden with log piles
A view of my house and the daisy lawn before I turned the beds into plantable gardens
Rich soil about to be planted with mother plants
Used the lasagne method, laying cardboard over the creeping daisy lawn, covered with loads of compost and allowed to rot, killing off the daisy lawn.
Nuxia floribunda tree trunk with helichryssum petiolare and foxglove
Magic pink climbing rose, grows quickly
My herbs ready for a new garden to move into
Beach pool view from my SA stoep
Cistrus Histrix in a pot thriving
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