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Client Courtyard

This Client had an Atrium within her house and it was grey, dull and she wanted a change. The left hand photo is before, you can't see the water feature. 

Another before photo to allow you to see how bland the courtyard was

Before above

Took up the paving stones, re-laid with 3 mm space in between and planted plugs of Viola hederacea and added small brown gravel. Mirrors were placed either side of the water feature behind two pots of Calemondin fruit topiaries giving light and depth to the Atrium. Re-planted the pots and placed them strategically changing the ambiance of the entire atrium as to somewhere you really want to sit and be peaceful, surrounded by beauty. 

Painting effects quickly changed it to be eye catching. We chose a blush pink to paint the walls, to give warmth. 

The finished courtyeard in a rosy pink which makes a huge difference from the grey

After above

Pots of geraniums and fruit trees
Still busy with the water feature . The actual water feature was cleverly painted by my client. Mirrors are to go either side with a calemondin tree either side

Mirrors to be placed either side

Finished water feature
View of the courtyard from the side

Approach from side into Atrium

A7.jPots in a row with a sideways trellis
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