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Client Zen garden
This project was wonderfully creative to do! There were 5 sections of it and all different. My Client wanted a very Zen, simple feel with low maintenance and obviously, due to the hectic water shortages, all the plants had to be extremely waterwise.
At the back of this house we paved, along the sides, gravelled and infront a waterwise mixed garden. The pavers near the wall were removed. Initially the thought was to cut the pavers straight all the way along but since indigenous ground covers were going to be planted which would cover the jaggedness, they were left as they were as the plants would cover giving it great character. The builders were there as well so it was a juggling act to get all done in the prescribed time given.
Zen before

Back paved area
Zen stretch side
Front Garden


Back paved area. Pavers - bed prepared
Corners Orange and Lime trees & indigenous ground covers

Gravel meets paving

Homemade Trellis

The Trellises are latte made by myself, Gravel and Plants are in. Trachelospermum jasminoides planted to grow up through the trellises

Gravel & plants in
Leveling and weedguard

Side back. Portable toilets taken away.

Pretty corner

Leveling and paving for the walkway to the back
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